


Study in Sweden is unique, and you will not find an experience like it anywhere else in the world. Swedish educational institutions provide an exciting as well as open environment, with a strong focus on cooperation. This will give you valuable skills that you cannot find at other universities across the world.

Study Cost in Sweden

Students from the countries out of EU/EEA/Nordic/Switzerland would have to pay application fee and tuition fees. The currency used in Sweden is SEK. The application fee is usually SEK 900. The tuition fee depends on the study program. An average tuition fee for Master’s degree is SEK 129000 per year. Bachelor degree is usually cheaper than Master’s. In the following chart an average range of tuition fees in various subjects is shown:

Humanities and Social Science – SEK 80000 – 110000 per year
Natural science and technical programs – SEK 120000 – 1450000 per year
Architecture and design – SEK 190000 – 270000 per year

Living Cost in Sweden

The cost of living in Sweden will depend on how you’ll lead your daily life. An average cost of living in Sweden is listed below:
Food: SEK 2,000
Accommodation: SEK 4,070
Local travel: SEK 550
Phone/internet: SEK 300
Hobby/leisure, miscellaneous: SEK 1,450


While you think of study in Sweden you may try to get a scholarship to save your expense. In Sweden there’s a special scholarship program offered by the government named The Swedish Institute. It’s offered toward attracting many international students from some particular countries and particular programs.

Students must have to apply before the deadline. Prior to applying for the scholarship student should check if he/she is eligible for this in condition of country and program. In order to know more in details about the scholarship program please visit their official Website.
International students are NOT permitted to work as cashiers. In addition, in the hotel sector, international students are NOT allowed to work as singers, masseurs, musicians or GROs (Guest Relation Officers). International students are not allowed to engage in any job or activity deemed to be immoral.

Applications to work part time must be made through the educational institution at which the international students are enrolled. The international student needs to be present with the representative of the education institution at the Immigration Department of Malaysia in order to submit an application for part time work.

Visa Requirements

Visa approval is one of the most important parts of studying abroad. In case of studying in Sweden you may or may not need visa depending on your country location. If you’re EU/EEA country citizen you won’t need visa to study in Sweden. You may study or work in Sweden without visa for 90 days or more than 90 days but you must have to inform the country your presence within 90 days. If you’re student from out of EU/EEA you must have to get visa to study for more than 90 days. In order to get visa you’ll have to submit the following documents:
Valid passport
Recent photograph
Letter of acceptance
Copy of previous degrees certificates
Proof of financial abilities

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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