About Canada

Canada is the second largest country in the world. It’s consists of 41% of North America Continent. It’s also the second largest coolest country. There are six time zones in this North American country. The climate of this country is characterized by mild to severe cold, wet fog in summer, extreme cold in winter, snow, dry and snow. In this country, every day, the Arctic iceberg produces a cold wave. This climate is equivalent to Russia. The country is as cold and frosty as the Russian climate. In this country, it is snowy for 6 months a year. Rather, being in this country is somewhat favorable and there are some adverse and people are accustomed to the cold.

The English language and the French language are jointly the official language of Canada. French is the provincial official language in Quebec Province, Canada. In the international field, the English language is commonly used. There are also many European immigrant languages. Notable among them are the languages ​​of three German religious communities – Hattorian, Mennonite, and Pennsylvania. About one and a half million Indigenous Americans speak more than five languages ​​in Canada. Among these native languages ​​are Blackfoot, Chipewyan, Cray, Dakota, Eskimo, and Ojibwa. The local main languages ​​spoken here are Algonquin, Athabascan, Eskimo-Aleut, Iroquoian, Xi’an, and Wakasian. There are also many isolated languages.

Canada is one of the top destinations for the international students who think of study abroad. It’s one of the top ten ranked country. This country is much flexible in case of having permanent citizenship after completing study and due to this flexibility many students are attracted to choose this country for their higher degree. Canada is also known as one of the less expensive countries for studying abroad. Canada has around 100 universities and the top five among them are University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia, University de Montréal, and University of Alberta. The universities in this country offer most of the high demanding courses that are keep as high expensive course in US.

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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