Brock University Canada

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Brock University Canada
Located at the centre of Canada’s beautiful Niagara Peninsula in St. Catharines, Ontario, Brock University is the only Canadian university with the distinction of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The University offers strong undergraduate, graduate and interdisciplinary degree programs that include co-op and other experiential learning opportunities to a student population of more than 17,000. Brock University graduates continue to enjoy one of the highest employment rates of all Ontario universities at 96.5 per cent. Brock celebrates the success of its 60,000 graduates who apply their degrees to careers throughout Canada and around the world. At Brock University, we offer a dynamic learning environment, strong academic programs at both the Master?s and Doctoral levels, and a satisfying quality of life for all graduate students. Our graduate programs are designed to provide close interaction between graduate faculty and graduate students. The scale of Graduate Studies at Brock guarantees that every graduate student matters, and that graduate student matters are of vital importance to the university as a whole. Research and Graduate Studies remain a top priority at Brock University.
At Brock, our cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs offer multi-faceted degrees that help students build careers and get jobs. Brock’s rigorous undergraduate programs include experiential learning opportunities and one of Canada’s largest co-op programs.
Applied Health Sciences
Child Health, BA
Community Health, BA
Kinesiology, B Kin (Co-op), BSc Kin
Medical Sciences, BSc
Nursing, BScN
Physical Education, PPhEd
Public Health, BPH (Co-op)
Recreation and Leisure Studies, BRLS
Sport Management, BSM

Aboriginal Adult Education and Native Teacher Education, BEd or Certificate
Adult Education, BEd or Certificate
Consecutive Teacher Education, BEd
Early Childhood Education, BECE
Intermediate, Senior Concurrent Education, BA/BEd, BPhEd/BEd, BSc/BEd
Primary / Junior Concurrent Education, BA/ BEd

Goodman School of Business
Accounting, BAcc
Business Administration, BBA (Co-op)

Dramatics Arts, BA (Co-op)
Game Design, BA
Humanities, BA

Mathematics and Science
Applied Computing (Minor)
Biochemistry, BSc (Co-op)
Biological Sciences, BSc
Biomdeical Sciences, BSc
Biophysics, BSc
Biotechnology, BSc (Co-op)
Chemistry, BSc (Co-op)
Computer Science, BSc (Co-op)
Computer Science and Mathematics, BSc (Co-op)
Computing and Business, BCB (Co-op)
Computing and Network Communications, BSc (Co-op)
Computing and Solid State Device Technology, BSc (Co-op)
Earth Sciences, BSc (Co-op)
Environmental Geosciences, BSc (Co-op)
Game Programming, BSc
Mathematics and Statistics, BSc (Co-op)
Mathematics and Statistics – Accelerated Mathematics Studies, BSc
Neuroscience, BSc (Co-op)
Oenology and Viticulture, BSc (Co-op)
Physics, BSc (Co-op)
Sciences, BSc

Social Sciences
Applied Economic Analysis, BA (Co-op)
Applied Linguistics, BA (Co-op)
Business Communication, BA
Business Economics, BBE (Co-op)
Child and Youth Studies, BA
Economics, BA (Co-op)
Film Studies, BA
Geography, BA, BSc (Co-op)
International Political Economy, BA
Labour Studies, BA (Co-op)
Media and Communication Studies, BA
Brock University is a public research university located in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. It is the only university in Canada that is located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, located at the centre of Canada’s Niagara Peninsula on the Niagara Escarpment. Brock offers a wide range of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including professional degrees. Brock was ranked third among Canadian universities in the “undergraduate” category for research publication output and impact indicators in 2008. Brock University is the only school in Canada and internationally to offer the MICA (Mathematics Integrated with Computing and Applications) program. Brock University’s Department of Health Sciences offers the only undergraduate degree in Public Health in Canada. At the graduate level, Brock offers 37 programs, including 6 PhD programs. Brock’s Co-op program is Canada’s fifth-largest, and the third largest in Ontario as of 2011. Graduates enjoy one of the highest employment rates of all Ontario universities at 97.2 percent. Brock has 12 Canada Research Chairs and nine faculty members which have received the 3MTeaching Fellowship Award, the only national award that recognizes teaching excellence and educational leadership.
Master of Accountancy
Master of Applied Disability Studies
Master of Business Administration
Master of Education
Master of Science
Master of Arts (Research)
Master of Business Economics Co-Op (Research)
Master of Education (Research)
Master of Science (Research)
Master of Sustainability (Research)

Study areas

Allied health
Creative arts
Early childhood education
Global studies
Humanities and social sciences
Inclusive education and disability studies
Information technology
Nursing, midwifery and paramedicine
Nutrition and biomedical science
Public health and administration
Sport and exercise science
Teaching and education

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