Vancouver Island University

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Vancouver Island University
Known as a centre of excellence for teaching, applied research and learning, Vancouver Island University (VIU), a public post-secondary institution, is producing quality graduates that are in demand by employers across the country and around the world. With roots that date back to 1936 when Nanaimo’s first vocational training school opened its doors, VIU shares a rich history and connectedness with its communities. It is this history and commitment to people that has provided VIU with a solid foundation on which we continue to grow. VIU is a dynamic, internationally known university supporting a student population in excess of 16,000 full-time and part-time learners, including over 1,800 international students, 1,500 aboriginal students, and employing over 2,000 faculty and staff.
Our programs provide training in academic, vocational, and technical fields and range from basic literacy to university degrees. Each degree, diploma, or certificate has set criteria that must be completed to an acceptable standard.
Vancouver Island University enjoys membership of Association of Community Colleges of Canada (ACCC), Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), British Columbia Centre for International Education (BCCIE), British Columbia Education Quality Assurance, Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) and Canadian Education Centres Network (CECN) for its degree programmes.

Postgraduate Content
Academic and Career Preparation (ABE)
Art, Design and Performing Arts
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Business and Management
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Exploratory University Studies (EXPO)
First Nations
Human Services
Professional Development and Training
Science and Technology
Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality
Trades and Applied Technology
Academic and Career Preparation (ABE)
Art, Design and Performing Arts
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Business and Management
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Exploratory University Studies (EXPO)
First Nations
Human Services
Professional Development and Training
Science and Technology
Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality
Trades and Applied Technology

Official Representative of Pakistan
Global Construction lawyer chamber is the official Representative of University in Bangladesh.

Study areas

Allied health
Creative arts
Early childhood education
Global studies
Humanities and social sciences
Inclusive education and disability studies
Information technology
Nursing, midwifery and paramedicine
Nutrition and biomedical science
Public health and administration
Sport and exercise science
Teaching and education

About Us

Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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