Why choose usa?

About The USA

USA is one of the larger country in the world where more than four thousands of higher education institutes are established. As a study destination it’s a wonderful area among the others. Through this large number of institutions more than one million international students get higher educational degree each year from USA. The public colleges and universities are funded by the state government. That’s why the tuition fees are lower and the number of students is much larger than the private ones. In the university ranking table many of the universities of USA ranked the top places which prove the quality of the US universities. In the top 10 of QS world university ranking table 2020 USA occupied 5 places where the Massachusetts Institute of Technology stood the first place. In the top 100 USA occupied 33 places that’s really a great achievement. So if you choose USA for your higher education degree then nothing to worry about your career.

Tuition fees USA is one of the most expensive country due to its developed country status and popular high quality educational services. Though the cost is higher than many other countries there’s an achievement for you that you’re taking the degree from the world’s top institute. The tuition fees in the US universities vary from one to another depending on the chosen course. It can starts from $5000 and can reach up to $60000 per year. An average of it can be usually up to $30000 for the international students.

Accommodation cost Living cost usually depend on the area you’ll choose and also on the institution. If you think of living in New York or Los Angeles then the cost would be more than any other area. You may expect an average of $3000/month to live in this kind of larger city which will cover your house rent, utilities, groceries, travel and additional expenses.

Language It’s nothing to say about the language to the question of study in USA. Though English isn’t determined as an official language but it’s an undeclared system in the USA that all the official and nonofficial activities are performed in English. So there’s no way but learning English. In all the educational institutions the books and the lectures are provided in English. So you must have to complete an English language course like IELTS and to achieve a good score too. If your English skill isn’t good enough then your chosen institute will persuade you to complete the language course first from their institute. You may develop you English level by communicating and practicing among your native environment and friend circle.

Why Choose USA?

USA is one of the first class countries for higher education. This country has a lot of international students in its different universities and colleges per year from more than one hundred of nations. Their high-developed technology is also plays a role behind attracting the students which is globally known well. USA has the larger number of international students. Each year they get more than a million students from the world. A mentionable percentage of the total students in the US universities are from abroad. It starts increasing in middle of the 19 decades. USA has also an interesting culture and enjoyable environment as well as high quality educational systems that really draw the attention of the students who’re thinking of study abroad. We’ll now try to explain more for you one by one.

  • Excellent academic environment
  • Wide variety of educational program
  • Latest modern technology
  • Teaching and research opportunity
  • Flexibility
  • Student support
  • Global Education and Long-Term Career Prospects
  • Campus Life Experience

Excellent academic environment

United State keeps the most convenient and excellent academic systems along with a wide range of educational programs. For the level of undergraduate course they keeps the traditional disciplined programs and for the graduate level they keeps the opportunity for the international students to work in their study field that can help a student to have the chance of exclusive research.

Wide variety of educational program
USA has thousands of college and universities that offer the students to choose among a wide range of interesting courses. Some of the institutes emphasize on research based academic systems while some others prior on practical that helps a student to be a scientist on his preferred subject which he is expert in. The USA educational system persuade a student to include something extra with his preferred course to be fruitful with extended knowledge.

Latest modern technology

USA is the country which always advanced and updated with the most recent and latest technology. So most relevantly the students has a wide spread chance of researching with the ultramodern technical research equipment. Even if you’re not a student of science faculty you’ll have the chance of using the tools and technology to research on any subject you think you may be expert in.

Teaching and research opportunity

In the USA you may have an exceptional opportunity that many other countries don’t allow. Besides studying as a student you may have an opportunity to have an experience of teaching for the undergraduate students if you’re a graduate. The brilliant international students are treated with special privileges in the US universities and no barrier there to use their scientific equipment and laboratories. This opportunity will help you make yourself over expert in your study field and even out of your course.


With your preferred course there may be some additional subjects to study as mandatory but to study the additional subjects you’ll be given the classes to the relevant courses and which course your classes may be most relevant with will be considered. For example, with the liberal art course the language and the mathematics course are included and to study these additional ones your main course will be kept in mind to match you best with the classes that can be best for you.

Student support

Taking a higher degree from USA universities is a great achievement but adapting with the day-to-day culture of a foreign country is usually be a challenging issue for the international students. But while the country is USA then it’s not a fact of tension. US universities provide a special service for the international students. They has University International Student Offices to help the international students. You’ll feel happy to conduct them for any issue and get the desired help and thus you’ll feel very easy there.The University International Student Office will held an orientation program upon your arrival that’s the first program in the university. There you’ll be able to ask them many questions regarding your housing, financial support, health care, employment opportunity and visa procedures. They’ll also help you to proceed the next step of your study program if you think of finishing all other higher educational degrees from USA. They’ll help you to prepare your resume and be employed to anywhere.

Global Education and Long-Term Career opportunity

Experience in international system, business and marketing is really a valuable asset. In the USA there’re many companies who look for experienced talents to get employed with them. They usually look for the candidates who has the ability to understand the international business system, foreign market demand and can communicate and negotiate skillfully to enhance the company’s business purposes. Not only USA but also many of the developed countries usually seek for the international talents to have them in their companies. So in this competitive world you may have a great chance of establishing your career. In this purpose the USA can be the best option for you.

Campus Life Experience

Many of the US universities offer the student clubs where the international students get a great chance of emerging themselves in the culture of the country. You’ll meet there many new people from diverse countries. Not only the US students you’ll find many other country students there to interview them to know their language, habit, culture, interests etc.

About Us

Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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