Job Opportunities in UK

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Job Opportunities in UK:

In case of many students the cost comes as the first question. Study abroad is usually a subject of higher cost. If that’s UK then it’s really a fact of thinking. In this case many students think of having a part time job in his chosen study destination. What type of part time jobs would I be eligible for? This usually depends on your student visa, study destination and your English skill. In the UK if you have a standard student visa and your English skill is good then you can work for up to 20 hrs per week. During the off term you can work full time. This rule will be the same for you in Canada, Australia, New Zealand accordingly.

In the meantime, when the academic year is over you can seek a full-time job. Apparently, you’ll be able to cover part of your tuition fees and living expenses entirely on your own. At the same time, working during your studies will give you a real independence feeling so you will learn to lean on your own self. Even better, if you show a higher level of commitment and results during your studies you can receive many offers from employers and eventually remain in the UK after university is over. However, there are certain conditions you need to fulfill to achieve this opportunity.

Part-Time Jobs can be on campus or off campus. Off campus jobs can be like the followings:

  • Warehouse staff
  • Waiter or bar staff
  • Call center operator
  • Retail staff
  • security
  • Admin
  • Language teacher
  • Data entry staff

In the UK if you can show top level result and be committed for higher level service ability you may have many offers from many employers. Thus you can have a chance of getting full time job after expiring your study period. But there’re some conditions for this opportunity. Firstly, you must have to be invited by any employer. I this case a good result and degree from the UK university will greatly support your eligibility and help you to switch your visa to stay after expiring study period. Thus you may have a chance of achieving the British citizenship under the condition of a minimum salary scale. These opportunities usually persuade the students to choose UK for higher education.

How to get a part time job? 

The way of getting a job is usually different in different countries. In the UK you can find a job with the help of your university job center or employment offices. They will help you what you should do for this like how to write a CV and how to interview etc. You may search for a job at the UK’s Job Center that’s run by the UK Government.

Moreover, there’re many online sources where you can search for a job. Some websites are as the followings:

How much my salary can be?

In the developed countries all the employers are to abide by a minimum wage that’s determined by the government. In the UK this wage rate is £8.72/hr which is A$16.87 in Australia and US$7.25 in USA. Your payment procedure can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. This usually depend on the employer. Payment can be physically or direct back deposit.

Would I have to pay tax on my part time income?

Yes, you’ll be similarly consider as the native people in case of income tax. You’ll have to pay tax regularly. So you’ll have to register for a tax ID as soon as you’ll have a job offer.


UK Post-Study Work Visa (PSW) for International Students

International students who start their studies in the UK in 2020 or after will benefit from the new post-study work visa (PSW) for graduates. This usually means a work and residence permit of 24 months (2 years) after graduation. The new post-study work visa rules will allow you to work in the UK after graduation. From September 2020 any student enrolling at a UK university can stay in the UK after graduation for up to two years in order to look for work related to their degree or course. This applies to graduates of all higher education providers that are recognized as ‘licensed visa sponsors’

The visa requirements for those graduates are expected to be the same as their original student visa rules, so unless you’re personal circumstances have changed, it should be automatic. This applies to undergraduate (Bachelor), post-graduate (Master) and even PhD graduates. The PSW visa is meant to give graduates more time to find a job after university; it does not affect how much you can work while you study.

What is the UK post-study work visa (PSW)?

The UK post-study work visa allows international students to stay in the United Kingdom after graduation in order to find work, for up to 2 years. The new visa rules will come into effect for all international students that begin their studies in autumn 2020 or later. During the first 2 years after graduation, PSW visa holders can work in any job they can find, and the goal is for them to transition into a general work visa afterwards. The opportunity to stay and work for 2 years after graduation makes the UK an attractive destination for students seeking to start their international career.

Who is eligible for UK PSW visa?

Any international student on a Tier 4 visa who enrolls at a UK institution from September 2020 will be eligible to stay in the UK after graduation to find a job. This is an extension of rule changes which allowed PhDs to stay in the UK after graduation. The UK says this is because it wants to grow its STEM industry fields. From 2020 onwards the option will be open to all graduates. Previously, graduates of Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees had only four months to stay and look for a job. With the new graduate visa rules, that has been improved to two years.

When the UK PSW rules come into effect?

The new PSW rules will be open to all students, on Tier 4 visas, who are accepted onto a course in the 2020 intake or later. So, if you’re thinking of applying to a course in the UK starting in September or October 2020, these are the rules that would apply to you when you graduate. However, keep in mind that visa rules can change at any time, and that individual circumstances may be relevant. Make sure to follow public announcements for any future changes.

What happens after PSW visa ends?

The post-study work visa allows graduates to look for any kind of job, and they will generally be allowed to stay for up to two years after graduation. That means: For the two years immediately after you graduate, you will be able to work in any role you find. But when that period ends and the PSW visa expires, anyone who wants to stay longer in the UK will have to apply to transfer to a ‘general work visa’ (or ‘skilled work visa’). For this, your job must fit the visa requirements for a Tier 2 visa, the ‘general work visa’. That usually means you must be paid at least £30,000 per year; but for some jobs, this level can be higher or lower. You can check the Tier 2 eligibility criteria here.

The PSW visa which university graduates from?

Generally, graduates from all UK universities are eligible for the post-study work visa. The condition is that the British government recognizes it as a trusted institution, also called ‘licensed sponsors’. However, this list is not set in stone, and it can be changed if a university fails to keep its “proven track record’ on upholding immigration and visa checks. So if you are studying or planning to study in the UK, it pays off to double-check whether your university is confirmed on this list.

Need a sponsor for the UK PSW visa?

To qualify for the PSW visa you do not need a sponsor. A sponsor is usually needed for other visa types; typically this would be an employer. In this case, the ‘sponsor’ is the university you graduate from – as long as it qualifies. Every international graduate from the recognized list of UK universities is eligible for the post-study work visa.

Need specific subject for the UK PSW visa?

No, the post-study work visa applies to graduates from all academic disciplines. In 2019, the UK government had already relaxed visa rules for students graduating from a higher level degree, like Master’s or PhD, in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). From 2020 this is extended to any graduate of any degree from trusted higher education providers. You will have to study a full degree, though. The new visa rules do not apply to anyone studying a short course, an English language training course, A-Levels or the Baccalaureate.

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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