Drew University

Drew University
As one of the country’s leading liberal arts universities, Drew attracts students from all over the US and more than 50 countries. From its unique, practical learning programs to the personal relationships with professors, the deep-rooted culture of collaboration and engagement with the greater community is clear from the day you step on campus. INTO New York at Drew University is your first step toward academic success in the US. Our innovative Pathway and English language programs, outstanding faculty and facilities and dedicated support services ease your transition to US life and prepare you for the demands of a rigorous liberal arts education. Adelphi fosters in its students a passion for knowledge; an understanding and a questioning of cultural values; and a view of themselves as independent, lifelong learners, and contributors to knowledge and service in an ever-changing world.
Facts about University
Top 100 National Liberal Arts Colleges.
Live and learn 47 minutes from New York City.
Top 100 Best Bang for the Buck US Liberal Arts Colleges (Washington Monthly 2015).
Drew received Carnegie Foundation’s prestigious Community Engagement Classification in 2015.
#7 Best Theatre Arts program in the US (Princeton Review 2015).
Exciting semester-long programs in New York City on Wall Street, at the UN and more.
#24 Most livable small town in the US (Livability 2015).
Easy access to Boston, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.
94% of Drew’s faculty holds the highest degree in their field.
#17 Among US liberal arts colleges in number of physical science majors who earn doctorates (National Science
Foundation 2015).
One of the greenest colleges in the US (Princeton Review 2015).
62% of Drew students take advantage of international and off-campus programs.
Hundreds of Fortune 500 companies in the surrounding area including Goldman Sachs, Merck and CBS.
Research with retired industrial scientists in one-of-a-kind RISE program.
94% of Drew’s Class of 2014 were working or in graduate school within 6 months of graduation.
University at Glance
Year Founded: 1867
Enrollment: 2,369
International Students: 116
Countries Represented: 50+
Bachelor’s Degrees: 30
Campus Size: 185 acres
Ratio: 9:1
Professional Development Option
Want a more professional focus to your studies? Build on your existing skills and experience.

Study areas

Allied health
Creative arts
Early childhood education
Global studies
Humanities and social sciences
Inclusive education and disability studies
Information technology
Nursing, midwifery and paramedicine
Nutrition and biomedical science
Public health and administration
Sport and exercise science
Teaching and education

About Us

Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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