Education systems & admission process

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Education is one of most prior programs of Canadian Government. This country maintains its educational system provincially by a state-run public educational program that’s funded and administrated by the local government. Though it’s not administrated directly by the central government but followed by the central law and instructions. As a result the educational system through the whole country mostly similar with a minor differences.
The Canadian education systems are categorized into 3 segments as followings:

1. Primary or elementary school
2. Secondary
3. Post-secondary

Primary School Education
In Canada the primary or elementary school education starts from Kindergarten which called Grade 1 at the age of six or seven runs through to Grade 8 up to the age of 13 or 14. Canadian academic year usually starts in September and concludes near the end of June covering 190 school days.

Secondary Education
The secondary education that’s known as high school education too usually start from the age of 14 or 15 which called Grade 9 and runs toward 17 or 18 which is honored as Grade 12. This secondary school Grade extends over 12 in Ontario education and in Quebec this secondary school education runs until the age of 16 and after finishing this the students are allowed to get the university education and vocational education.

Post-Secondary Education
After finishing secondary school education Canadian students are free for next step of education that means post-secondary education or college education where college means community, technical, applied science or applied arts school. This type of institutes provide diploma or vocational certificate. With this post-secondary certificate students can seek for a job or apply for higher education from any university.

Canadian universities offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses same as the US universities. Full-time undergraduate degree includes Bachelor of Science or arts that can be a 3, 4 or 5 years course depending on class and province. Graduate degree includes Masters of Arts or Masters of Science that’s usually of a 2 years course. And postgraduate courses can take 3 to 6 years depending on the province and subject.

Education usually get mandatory for Canadian people from the age of 5 excepting Ontario and Quebec where it start a bit earlier. And it’s mandatory for up to the age of 16 excepting Manitoba, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories and Ontario where it’s 18. The following table is to show you the age the Canadian citizens are bound to attend school between:

Education in English and French
In the Canadian education system there’re two option of language like English and French. For the international students some institutes provide instructions in both language. Though the main language in Canada is English the French is usually taught as a second language from the early age as it’s widely practiced throughout the country. Though French isn’t mandatory in all institutions throughout the country Quebec institutions require the students to attend the French school until finishing secondary education. There’re some exceptional conditions under which a student can be eligible for instruction in English. The conditions are as followings:
• If mother or father a student pursued elementary studies in English in Canada;
• If a student or his/her sibling has received the major part of their elementary or secondary school instruction in English in Canada (if the child’s mother or father is a Canadian citizen);
• If mother or father of a student attended school in Québec after August 26, 1977, and could have been declared eligible for instruction in English at that time  (if the child’s mother or father is a Canadian citizen).

Admission Process
A student is to prepare his application to apply to his preferred institution while he can finalize his institution preference. In this step he has to assess himself under some conditions or requirements which is mandatory to fulfill in order to be accepted to his chosen institute. We’ll mention all the conditions that may be mandatory for different intuitions.

Language Skill
Canada is a country of two official languages like English and French. So there’re both two types of institution based language. The English speaking institution may ask you to complete some language test in order to be ready for the lesion. Tests like TOEFL, IELTS, CAEL that can be required to complete or they may arrange their own language program or at an ESL partner School. The institutions of French language also arrange language learning program or ask to complete recognized French language program.

Distance Education
There many students in many countries who has interest to have a higher degree from abroad but can’t travel any country because financial insufficiency or any other problem. For this type of students many of the Canadian universities and colleges keeps the option of having degree through online. Students have the option to start the chosen course through online and they can attend the second or third year session physically arriving Canada.

Application process
When a planned understudy has chosen a Canadian college or school, the person in question may allude to that establishment’s site or contact the workplace of confirmations for data on the best way to apply. For more data on foundations, utilize the Canada Visa School Search tool on the Canadian official website. For an itemized report on schools that suit your individual circumstance, attempt the School Match instrument. Numerous foundations get applications electronically on the web. When all is said in done, a candidate may get a choice on an application inside four to a half year after the application cutoff time. Effective candidates will get a Letter of Acceptance, which might be utilized in the application for a Canada Study Permit.

Application Deadline
Canadian schools usually call for application from the international students within a certain period each year and the deadline also vary school to school. Once you’ve applied it may usually take 4/6 months to receive decision from the applied school. And so the student has enough time to get study permit and travel Canada before the program he has applied for begins. Student should gather all the important documents that may be required by the institution within this time.

Financial Assistance
Individuals who need assistance to back their Canadian investigations may, as an initial step, contact the legislature of their nation of citizenship. There might be grants, low-intrigue loans, or different honors you meet all requirements for. Likewise, the money related guide office of the college or school you wish to go to might be in a situation to offer help. Certain organizations may have financing choices accessible to universal understudies. So as to decide whether credits can be moved from another post-optional foundation, it is significant that an understudy contact the Canadian college or school he plans to move to, as every organization has its own approach with respect to move credits. An understudy’s present instructive organization may have a concurrence with specific establishments in Canada to consider credit acknowledgment. During your investigations in Canada, it might be important to reestablish or expand your examination license. Keeping up lawful status in Canada all through this procedure is urgent.

Changing Your Study Permit
Sometimes it may be needed to renew or change your study permit during your study session in Canada. It’s very important to have a legal and valid status. It is important not to exceed the duration of your authorized stay in Canada without first applying for a change in status. But you should be obedient by the Canadian rules and regulations that you’re committed to as a foreigner. If you don’t be aware of the expiry of your study permit you may need to leave Canada as soon as it expires and will not have time to apply at that to renew this. You should apply for renewal much before expiring.

After submitting a renewal application you’ll have a status that’s called “implied status” which is considered as a temporary resident and you should save an evidence (for example: courier delivery receipt) that states a renewal request is submitted. If you’re expired before any decision received you will only be able to continue studying as long as you remain in Canada. This privilege is only applicable while you’re applying for a temporary residence, not a permanent residence. If you think of permanent residence and apply for this you’ll no longer be eligible to stay in Canada until you get a decision and you don’t have temporary status. But if you’ve temporary status you can stay in Canada even you’ve applied for permanent status. If you lose the status because of violating any condition you’ve 90 days since violation to apply for restoration.

In case of expiring study permit before completing the study course student has a chance of applying for renewal and you’ll have to apply for renewal before expiring the old one. You’re allowed to submit renewal application online or email. Before receiving the decision about your renewal request you can’t apply for a TRV (temporary residence visa) if you need. For the student whom studying in Quebec it’s need to obtain Certificate D’acceptation Du Quebec/Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ).

Changing your institution
If you like to change your school, college or university you may do this and no new study permit is required there. You’re also allowed to change your study course or level.

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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