Education systems in USA

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USA has the world’s largest international student population, with more than 1,000,000 students choosing to broaden their education and life experience in the United States. You are invited to the world’s one of the most top countries where you can get higher education degree in the latest technologized educational environment.

An international student should know first the education system of the country he’s going to choose for his higher education. US education system isn’t same as others. The education system isn’t governed directly by the education ministry of the central government. The public institutes are governed and funded by the state government and that’s why the cost is lower cooperatively from the private ones. Private institutes usually take much higher price than the public ones because those aren’t funded by the government or any other donors. The US education ministry accredit some agencies which look over the educational institutes to ensure the quality of the education. So you should be sure about your chosen institutes that it meets the national and international quality so that your certificate is recognized worldwide. Know more about the education system of USA in details from their official page.

Options to get a higher degree

In the USA education is obligatory for all until the age is 16. The US students complete the primary and secondary school education before 12 years. After finishing this step they take post-secondary education and then they’re persuaded to undergraduate degree and higher degrees like graduation and post graduations research. This system of the education is traditionally recognized for on-campus studentship. But now a days many accredited online college education system is increasing and being a great option for the international students and popular. There’re both two years and four years degrees available. You must have to think of your goal again and again before choosing an option because many companies require the four year degrees instead of two years to employ any candidate.

Undergraduate Study

Most of the US universities offer the students a liberal education who want to take undergraduate degree that means students are offered to take an education on several disciplines before choosing their major study filed. In most universities the courses are determined for only one semester and assigned for a number of credit hours. Most courses keep 3 credits but there may be some course with one, two, four and five. Students are undertaken to complete the determined credit to be eligible for the graduation course.

Graduate Study 

Graduation means taking a Master’s degree or Doctoral degree. A graduation degree certifies a student that he’s studied a subject completely from its beginning. Students have to study until complete their determined credit. They’re usually asked to submit a thesis for most of the programs. After doctoral students pass their qualifying exams, they are advanced to candidacy and can begin writing their dissertation. Candidate’s completed dissertation must be orally defended before the candidate’s faculty committee in order to finally gain the degree.

Application process

Students who think of study in USA for a higher degree usually underestimate the duration of application for a university or college. As a result they don’t have sufficient time at last to research on the course, institute, destination etc. Students should remember that submitting an application as earlier as best. So if you plan earlier then you can have sufficient time to research and proceed this before the deadline. Universities usually allow students to apply online through their website. But you may need contact teacher or admission department and provide your necessary documents and book for the entrance exam within the deadline.

In the application timeline you’ll be able to know detailed information about the steps you may have to follow. This planning starts 18 months ago before you think of study in the USA. Another important step is completing a test program. Most of the US universities require students to take one or more standardized tests like SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT, TOEFL, IELTS etc.

Credential Evaluators

School Education curriculum usually varies country to country not only in language but also in educational system. In the USA many schools that accept international students usually ask for submitting an authentically verified status from your previous school. This is where credential evaluator come in. You may need submit your transcript to a credential evaluator who’ll examine it and translate into your host country curriculum for review.

About Us

Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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