

There are many scholarships, grants, and bursaries which can help international students financially with their studies in Australia. The scholarships are offered by the Australian Government, education providers, and a number of other public and private organizations.

Government Funded Scholarship

International students usually need to pay the full tuition fees determined by the institution. But sometimes it may be easier and less by the help of a scholarship if he/she get one. For the academic year of 2020 Australian Government has declared scholarships of a $300 million for 3000 international students from over 55 countries. If you can win a scholarship your tuition fee will be cut down and even you can save your accommodation cost too.

A student should be aware of the eligibility criteria while he/she’s searching for a scholarship. If you meet all the requirements all the required documents should be submitted definitely before the deadline.

Universities usually offers another kind of scholarship just based on the student’s academic excellence. And maximum international students try to gain this. So you should be aware of your talent and expertize and utilize that at the highest extent so that you can cut the competitive result what a scholarship could be given by.

Let’s check some major scholarship programs for international students:

  • Australia Awards
  • Destination Australia
  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP)
  • Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship
  • Provider Scholarship

Australia Awards

The Australia Award is given aiming to promote knowledge, education links as well as enduring ties between the country and its neighbors. The scholarships offered by the DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs) and Department of Education as well as ACIAR (Australian Center for International Agricultural Research) are brought together through this program.

Destination Australia Program (DAP)

The new mobility program of Australian Government which is known as DAP (Destination Australia Program) is arranged for both domestic and international students to study in regional Australia. Under this program more than 1000 students are awarded scholarship per year. The tertiary institutions in Australia will be eligible for up to $15,000 per student each year.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP)

This scholarship program was established just replacing the International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) program in 1st January 2017. To know more about RTP you may visit the official website of Australian Department of Education.

Australia APEC Women in Research Fellowship

This Fellowship award is arranged in order to support the high-achieving female researchers. Up to 10 awards is given per year and hosting for this researchers are arranged by Australian Education and Research Institution for 4 months max.

Provider Scholarships

Based on the academic excellence many Australian Education Providers declare scholarships regularly for the international students. Student can apply for the scholarship through consulting with admission team or international students’ office.

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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