Study, Living and Insurance Cost

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Study, Living and Insurance Cost

Being aware of the cost of living and education is one of the most important part of your planning study abroad. The cost of education usually varies and depend on the institution and chosen course and also the living cost usually varies from area to area and accommodation type. If you don’t know details about cost you won’t be able to plan your costing and at last you may face difficulties. Australia is one of the safest country in the world according to the crime rate. Sometimes it may be better, enjoyable and easier for an international student to live in Australian environment and life style as it’s one of the developed, happiest and modern technological country. Your concerned institution may help you suggesting and directing the best and suitable living criteria in the Australian environment. In order to help you we’ll now discuss here regarding study, living and insurance cost of Australia-

Study Cost

The following list will help you to know the average range of yearly study cost in different Australian institutions: School- AU$7,800 to 30,000

  • Language course (English) – around AU$300/week (Depends on course length
  • Vocational and Training (Certificates I to IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma)  AU$4000-2200
  • Undergraduate bachelor – AU$20,000 – 45,00
  • Postgraduate Master’s Degree – AU$22,000 – 50,000
  • Doctorate Degree – AU$18,000 – 42,000

But the above estimation doesn’t include the veterinary and medical courses which may be higher.


There’re several options for you to choose among like purpose-built student village, homestays, private rentals, share houses and boarding school accommodation.

When you’re approved by an institution the step is now for you to think of living and accommodation. In case of thinking of accommodation some important facts to be considered like the followings:

  • The accommodation cost usually depends on the location and type of accommodation.
  • Think of estimating the total cost of accommodation including the bond and utility expenses.
  • Consider the distance of your accommodation from your institution and the transportation way.

As you’re from abroad so think of the area where you may have your habituated foods and other needed things available.

Private Rental

If you think of a private rental you may take this only yourself or with your friends. In this purpose you may take help of real estate agents to search for a rental. Sometimes in the notice board of your institution some rental ads are often posted where you may find your suitable one from. There’s another option to look for rental from website. In order to rent a property a fixed security deposit is to pay and the rent in advance. This type of agreement is usually for four weeks. This deposited security money is returnable when you’ll leave under the condition of not causing any damage in the rented property.

Purpose-Built Accommodation

The accommodation type which is particularly built for students is known as purpose-built student accommodation in Australia. In this type of residence you can find both studio apartment and shared rooms up to 16 beds where you’ll have to share the daily necessary facilities and communal areas. This type of residences are usually located near the cities and public transport. In the declared rental cost the electricity bill and internet cost is usually included.

Short-term Accommodation

Short-term accommodation is an option for the new international students where they can be familiar with the new area of location and get some friends to decide about next living plan. This short-term residence can be like hostels, hotels or temporary housing. In choosing this type of residence you can take help of your institution.

University Managed Accommodation

Universities usually offers an accommodation service for a limited range. This type of accommodation is usually cheaper than others where you can also get university support with a fully furnished environment including bills. To get this type of residential advantage contact your university support office.


The younger international students can choose home stay residence where he/she’ll get privileges of a family and feel comfort of a home, spending time with that family and getting ready meals as well as cleaning service. This type of residences are definitely screened to ensure safety and suitable environment.

Accommodation cost

  • Hostels and Guesthouses – $90 to $150 per week
  • Shared Rental – $95 to $215 per week
  • On campus – $110 to $280 per week
  • Homestay – $235 to $325 per week
  • Rental – $185 to $440 per week
  • Boarding schools – $11,000 to $22,000 a year

Other additional cost of living

  • Groceries and eating out – $140 to $280 per week
  • Gas, electricity – $10 to $20 per week
  • Phone and Internet – $15 to $30 per week
  • Public transport – $30 to $60 per week
  • Car (after purchase) – $150 to $260 per week
  • Entertainment – $80 to $150 per week


International students are required to have OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) as mandatory. But if you think you need you may look for more private insurance for private health, travel, home and contents and vehicle.


Students and their dependents like spouse, children (under 18 years old) must have to obtain an OSHC under which they’ll receive visiting doctor, ambulance service, some hospital treatment and limited medicine. Learn more in details about OSHC on the Australian official website and for home affairs plz visit Department of Home Affairs website.

Private Health Insurance

Though you’ve OSHC you may feel necessity of more service as OSHC doesn’t include all. And an important fact of cost there which is the private insurance will require much more cost than OSHC. So be aware of your actual need so that you can reduce your costs. To know more in details about private insurance you may visit the related website.

Travel Insurance

Travel industries in Australia are renowned to satisfy you but some questions can raise there like cancelled flight, lost luggage or any others which wasn’t in plan. So a travel insurance can help you avoid this types of unexpected problems.

Home and Contents Insurance

After having all well an uncertainty of unexpected danger is always present. Anytime anyone may get damage to his home, furniture, cloths or any other things. For the security of this appliances you may have an insurance which is known as Home and contents insurance. In Australia there’re many insurers you may choose one among.

Vehicle Insurance

While you have a car or bike or any other vehicle you may need an insurance for its security. But you may need to know the rules and laws of the territory where you’re living in. For example, if you live in NSW you must have to keep a Compulsory Third Party insurance which will cover your personal injuries through any accident. You should take the suggestion of the concerned government agency of the state you’re living in to get the right insurer to meet your all. For your vehicle you should take a vehicle insurance to get a reasonable compensation for any accidental damage, malicious damage, theft, fire, flood and storm.

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Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

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