Why Choose Australia

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Why Study in Australia?

Australia is keeping the reputation of third most popular destination for higher education for international students. Australia promotes innovation, creativity, and independent thinking throughout its universities. International students who study and live in Australia soon find that their education is challenging, fun, and rewarding. As an international student in Australia, you can expect to live, grow, and learn in a young, friendly country full of opportunities. For those international students who successfully complete their degree, they will soon find that they are competitive in today’s international job market.

TOP Universities
Australia kept 6 top positions among the world top 100 universities. Though the universities of Australia are not too older as like as the Oxford of UK and Harvard of US but ours ones are also paying the leadership role in higher education. The University of Melbourne, Australian National University, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales and Monash University are standing in the top university ranking in the world.

Best Student Cities
The world’s best student cities are mostly located in Australia. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth and the Gold Coast are the Australian cities that’s occupied the top places in the list of top 100 cities in QS ranking.

Great International Alumni
Australian universities are proud of its historical record of over past 50 years. Around 2.5 million students are connected in the alumni network of international students who have taken graduation and post-graduation from the universities of this country.

Student Support Service
In the Australian institutions the international students usually get a great support in many cases. The institutions are always committed to provide the strict quality of education and stands out with the government accreditation measures. So it’s assured that you have the best quality education in Australia. In the Australian several cities and towns there’re many support centers for international students which will advise your rights, responsibilities and working eligibility as well as best working areas.

Outstanding Enjoyable Environment
Australia is a country which attracts people all over the world with its enjoyable and eye-pleasing beauties like thriving modern cities, vast of open spaces and excellent landscapes, fresh air and blue sky, low air pollution and clean cities, golden beaches, unique plants and animals etc.

High Standard Living
Australia is one of the happiest country with their developed life style along with high quality healthcare, transport, education, infrastructures and government services. They are ranked top in competitive economy with updated technologies.

World-respected education
Australian educational institutions are top ranked in the world and they’re committed to provide the outstanding quality education. They always pursue the international students to dream a large. A graduate from Australian institution are greatly respected and sought by the world leadership employers. Many world-class scientists, teachers, designers, entrepreneurs, artists and humanitarians are coming from the Australian universities.

Many of the outstanding inventions came from the Australian graduates like Wi-Fi, penicillin, the black box flight recorder, the Earth Hour initiative and the Cochlear implant etc. You’ll find more than 1100 institutions to choose one among under which 22000 courses are taught in Australia. The courses in the Australian universities are always updated with input from industry leaders to ensure the skills and knowledge of a student current and strengthen the ability to compete for any job.

No Compromise in Quality
Australian institutions provide the top quality education with a flock of outstanding lecturers based on a world-leading education provider’s network along with premium facilities. They apply a robust system to control the quality and follow the strict government accreditation to ensure premium level of university experience. This system is aimed to international students and refined regularly.

Changing and Updating Research
The talents graduated from the Australian universities have been keeping the historical proud of many world-class discovery and inventions along with discovery of penicillin in 1945. While you’re a student of an Australian university from abroad you’ve a great chance of doing something with the help of modern, developed and technological research lab which you couldn’t do in your home country because of the lack of an advanced lab. Australians are always updated with the modern technologies and aware of doing something new. Australia has doubled its budget for research and development in the past 18 years.

Continue Study in Australia
After completing your course of Masters or Doctoral degree you’ve still chance of continuing study more in Australia. If you think of continuing study there you should check your visa eligibility. You may need to apply for a new visa study more. Under a temporary graduate (subclass 485) visa a student can continue study after completing the course.

Pre-Departure Preparation
If you don’t think of continuing study more or work in Australia and think of getting back to your family there’re something to do for you in this regard:


  • Get suggestion from the international student support office of your institution
  • Follow the instructions of support team and perform all the required task carefully.
  • Claim your security money from your rental accommodation host (if you took a rental accommodation)
  • Join international alumni

Some universities arrange a seminar for the departing students to advise the duties to depart or join any other country environment. So try to be sure if your institution has a plan or not.

Joining multicultural society
Australia is an interesting country. It’s very friendly and welcoming. They recognize the freedom of individuals and treat the rights of citizens and visitors with the transparent legal system. In Australia it’s no matter who you’re or where you’re from. 30% of Australians are born abroad and thus the country is made up of multicultural society. From more than 192 countries students study this in country.

About Us

Global Consultancy & Lawyers Chamber is serving Legal and education industry since 2008. 

Our commendable work at sub offices located across the World has made possible to change the lives of thousands of students through assisting them for higher studies in foreign institutes.

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